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I was tagged by my best friend’s old video on Facebook. It was time for nostalgia as I can see old me in the video. I watched it and I realized something,
My skin was so dark at that moment!
I remember when I was in high school and university I didn’t have a chance to treat my skin right. I never used sunblock nor cleanse my face thoroughly. That is why I got a dark and unhealthy skin.
As I grow up (and being paid from office, too :P), I am trying to find what is the best for my skin. I am trying trial and error with skin care. Sometime my face was breakout, but most of it are good. So I’ve been using skin care and body treatment for my skin for about 3-4 years.
Even taking so much time, at least I can find some improvement in my skin. Comparing my face then and now, I can tell that my skin is evolving into a better skin.
With that experience, now I believe that it takes a lot of time to take care of skin. So I think I should start to avoid aging slowly from now. I know we can’t stop aging, but at least we can try our best to keep our skin great and healthy.
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Not only My Skin is getting Brighter. My Smile, Too! 😀 |
Lately, I am trying to choose the right skin care treatment. I even using sunblock whenever I go out now. I also often read about beauty news, and sometimes try new products. You can see me in a few beauty workshop or class. Yes, I am so into to the beauty world. And I think I am not only having a brighter skin, but I am better at doing make-up. Which is fun!
With my experience, I hope you can take care of your skin from now. Let’s exchanging info about beauty products, or we can meet at some of beauty class.
I know, we are all will grow old gracefully in the future 🙂
Life goal: Having a moist skin like Song Hye Kyo 😀
This post is the answer for English Friday Challenge from Blog English Club. This week challenge is about something that I look into. And what is interesting in my life now is about my skin :D. Since I can see the difference and I am starting to take care of myself more 😉
Want to know the other blog posts? Let’s check in HERE. Don’t forget to join the challenge, too!
Hihi Lia, tahun ke tahun makin cakeuppp!
Uwaaa… ini kulitku udah item, makin gosong gegara berjemur… ngga pengen putih tapi at least balik ke sebelumnya wkwk, bisa ga ya 🙁
Makasi Unaaaa :*
Sebenernya gapapa sih kena matahari. Asal pake sunblock, Una. Aku juga gak takut-takut amet kok berjemur. Banyak kok yang kulitnya gelap, tapi tetep glowing. Kalo aku dulu kulitnya hitam karena gak dirawat, jadinya pas difoto keliatan banget deh gak oke :'D
Ayooo Una, pake sunblock dan dirawat kalau sering berjemur 🙂
Hai, Lia. Aku juga dulu kayak kamu. Sampai kuliah gak pakai produk skincare macam-macam karena muka badak banget, gak pernah jerawatan. Setelah 3 tahun kerja muka jadi jerawatan parah. Syukurnya, dari situ aku malah kenal banyak produk skincare, banyak coba dan eksperimen biar dapat produk yang pas. But it's fun! 🙂
Huweee. Bener-bener terlihat ya Lia perubahannya. Hihihi. Eh lupaaaa mau komen bahasa Inggris tadiii…
jaman sekolah sama kuliah gapernah pake macem-macem tapi nggak jerawatan. sekarang kerja kena debu-debu sensitif banget. pake skin care malah jerawatan. udah sebulan cuma maskeran madu tiap malam. alamaaak.
Iyaaa, aku sekarang suka banget sama skin care dan make-up. Seru aja coba-coba dan centil-centilan di depan kaca. Hehehehe
Hwaaaa… Paling sebel tuh kalo sensitif. Aku juga tipenya sensitif 🙁
Semoga cepat membaik yaaa
Hayoooo must be in English, Masss hihihihi 😀